Have you stopped to think how bad the economy is right now? Do you have a different approach to handling entrepreneurial opportunities when many people are on a money crunch? Do you feel in control of your life?
It's hurting a lot of families financially. It doesn't have to be yours. Do you know how you can own your destiny?
The other morning, I was lying in bed and a flash in my mind occurred. I had a client I was meeting in a couple of hours and I didn't feel like going to that appointment even thought I could use the business. I realized that, in a split second, I took my eye off the goal. I know how bad people are hurting with their business and jobs right now. I cannot control the economy, I can however, control my thoughts and my time.
Although we cannot control the economy, we can control how we think and use our time. You can do so much with your life and your situations by management your time more effectively with ease and with simplicity. Be accountable for your destiny. You can stop the madness by doing what's best with your time.
I'll show you 5 ways I control my time:
- How Much Is It? Before you spend time on a task, ask how much each hour costs for you. You'll re-consider that block of time. If I can become more productive outsourcing the job, I will.
- Do You Chart? I use a simple sheet with hours, day and dates. I break every block on that sheet as 30-minute blocks or units. By blocking out the times I will check emails, voicemails, and breaks during my designated schedule. I'll mark the times I'm focused on family. Do this or others will plan your day for you.
- Be A Freak. Be your own time control freak. You have complete control over your seconds. I think of TiVo for the television. There's all these commercials advertisers want to sell you, but you an Tivo and fast-forward through them.
- What Will It Bring? What ever you're doing, ask yourself this powerful question. "By doing this task, will this activity bring me to the result I'm seeking?" and then as "When is this project due?"
- Calendar and Clock Friendly. Color coordindinate your task. Assign a priority to each of your task so you know which are most important. Sync up online calendars with your offline model.
Adriel Yapana is a Body Transformation Expert, Home Business Trainer, Author, Speaker and Consultant. He loves helping others achieve their best in life. To get FREE powerful, life-changing strategies and videos, Please visit his website at http://magneticmarketing101.com
“Mother Earth-Save It or Lose It-The Choice is Ours”
15 years ago
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